General Lesson Plans

UPDATED! Screen-share version now available. This ESL lesson plan for B2+ to C2 explores the memory and introduces students to many related expressions and collocations. Detailed Description Students start by 
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This year, I want to give up chocolate! Well… maybe not completely. What’s the key to a good New Year’s resolution? Detailed Description This English lesson plan focuses on New 
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Practical for travel and for retail employees, this ESL lesson plan with printable worksheet teaches students how to shop for souvenirs with images and vocabulary.
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Always short of time? Feel like you're late time and time again? Today's class looks at chronic lateness as well as expressions about time, with a special focus on exam English activities.
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What draws people to conspiracy theories? What brings conspiracy theorists together, and how do some of them gain such momentum? That's the topic we explore in this video-based ESL worksheet built around this fascinating TED Talk. 
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When in social situations, be careful not to open a can of worms! This society-focused worksheet discusses what questions are appropriate (or inappropriate) to ask in different situations, teaching a number of phrases and relevant idiomatic expressions.
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How likely is a taxi driver to be automated in the future? Is there a good chance that airline pilots will become automated in the future? This ESL lesson plan explores just that, with exercises on degrees of likelihood with clear structures and examples.
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Turn it up with this printable PDF or online-ready ESL lesson plan with pre-class activities so it can be used in a flipped classroom, too!
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Teach your students to express basic discomforts, such as "I have a headache" and "I'm cold".
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So many festivals: Holi, India; Día de los Muertos, Mexico; St. Patrick's Day, Ireland; Carnival, Venice... Have you ever been? Did you have a good time? What made that festival unique?
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