The Meeting Mindset

At a Glance
Exercise Summary

🕑60-120 minutes (depending on role-play activity); this lesson plan can be split into two 60-minute lessons

 🎚   B2, C1

🎯 language for meetings, idioms, role-play

🕑 0-5 minutes

– Print one worksheet for each student.

– Print the Teacher’s Insights or keep them at hand as they contain the answers to the exercises.

Kickoff: six questions to introduce the topic

Reading: gap-fill reading on successful meetings

Vocabulary: meetings idioms with two possible definitions; students choose the correct one

Speaking I: self assessment on meetings & prep

Useful Language: identify key meeting language grouped by function

Speaking II: identify past and modern attitudes to meetings and discuss their pros and cons

The Meeting

Preparation I & II, Role-Play, and Feedback: students prep for a meeting, carry out that meeting with a role-play activity, and give each other feedback on how they have done.

Got the meeting mindset? Teach your students expressions and idioms for meeting, get them thinking critically about modern attitudes towards meetings, and put them into an innovative role-play with this ESL worksheets and printable lesson plan.


Detailed Description
The lesson plan begins with a discussion on the key elements of a successful meeting, including a clear agenda, effective communication, and active listening. Students then explore commonly used idiomatic expressions and phrases used in meetings, helping to build their confidence and improve their overall fluency in business English.
Next, students have the opportunity to practice their meeting skills through a role-playing activity, in which they split into small groups and prepare for a mock meeting. Our worksheet guides them through the process of assigning roles, developing an agenda, and preparing materials for the meeting.
After the role-play activity, students receive constructive feedback from the teacher, highlighting areas of strength and opportunities for improvement. This lesson plan also includes group discussion questions to help students reflect on their performance and consider ways to improve their meeting skills in the future.
Don’t worry whether you’re an experienced business English teacher or just starting out, as this ESL worksheet on meetings has you covered with step-by-step instructions on the Teacher’s insights.


Liked this worksheet? Check out some of our other Business English worksheets for free:

Railway Expressions: Students learn Business English expressions such as “stay on track” and “full steam ahead” and how they connect to the development of the English language and the railway.

Business Phrasal Verbs: Students learn phrasal verbs used commonly in Business English with a fun and easy-to-follow presentation which can be used on a projector or for screen sharing in online classes.

Handling Difficult Questions: Students learn how to handle difficult questions in business scenarios, with specific techniques and sentences they can use for a wide range of situations.



Printable Worksheet

Teacher Insights


Teacher's Insights


All information, statistics, etc. on are provided for the purpose of enhancing the English-learning experience only. Where we will always do our best to obtain accurate information and will never knowingly give wrong information, we cannot take responsibility and always recommend contrasting information in as many sources as possible—as we make an effort to do.
