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Balanced Teaching Business English Download and Go

Always short of time? Feel like you’re late time and time again? Today’s class looks at chronic lateness as well as expressions about time, with a special focus on exam English activities.

Lesson Plans Business General Lesson Plans RECOMMENDED FORB2C1

Punctuality & Lateness (Free)

Balanced Teaching Business English Download and Go

Always short of time? Feel like you’re late time and time again? Today’s class looks at chronic lateness as well as expressions about time, with a special focus on exam English activities.

Balanced Teaching Download and Go Flipped Classroom

What draws people to conspiracy theories? What brings conspiracy theorists together, and how do some of them gain such momentum? That’s the topic we explore in this video-based ESL worksheet built around this fascinating TED Talk. 

Lesson Plans General Lesson Plans RECOMMENDED FORC1C2

Birds Aren’t Real (Free)

Balanced Teaching Download and Go Flipped Classroom

What draws people to conspiracy theories? What brings conspiracy theorists together, and how do some of them gain such momentum? That’s the topic we explore in this video-based ESL worksheet built around this fascinating TED Talk. 

Balanced Teaching Download and Go

When in social situations, be careful not to open a can of worms! This society-focused worksheet discusses what questions are appropriate (or inappropriate) to ask in different situations, teaching a number of phrases and relevant idiomatic expressions.

Lesson Plans General Lesson Plans RECOMMENDED FORB2C1

You Can’t Ask That! (Free)

Balanced Teaching Download and Go

When in social situations, be careful not to open a can of worms! This society-focused worksheet discusses what questions are appropriate (or inappropriate) to ask in different situations, teaching a number of phrases and relevant idiomatic expressions.

Balanced Teaching Business English

Teach your students how to handle difficult questions effectively in professional settings with this ESL lesson plan for upper intermediate and advanced students. This lesson plan focuses on strategies for managing difficult situations, collocations, speaking, reading, and role-play activities.

Lesson Plans Business RECOMMENDED FORB2C1

Handling Difficult Questions (Free)

Balanced Teaching Business English

Teach your students how to handle difficult questions effectively in professional settings with this ESL lesson plan for upper intermediate and advanced students. This lesson plan focuses on strategies for managing difficult situations, collocations, speaking, reading, and role-play activities.

Balanced Teaching Download and Go

Conditionals can transport students to fascinating realms of imagination. Today’s worksheet combines the Zero, First, Second, and Third Conditionals with fantasy travel ideas, making this ESL grammar topic fun and dynamic with clear explanations and speaking exercises.

Lesson Plans Basics RECOMMENDED FORB1B2

Conditionals & Fantasy Travel (Free)

Balanced Teaching Download and Go

Conditionals can transport students to fascinating realms of imagination. Today’s worksheet combines the Zero, First, Second, and Third Conditionals with fantasy travel ideas, making this ESL grammar topic fun and dynamic with clear explanations and speaking exercises.

Balanced Teaching Business English Download and Go Screen Sharing

The railway has played a very important role in British history over the last 200 years or so. Naturally, therefore, it has also had an important influence on the language. From “go off track” to “full steam ahead”, you’ll discover a wealth of idioms related to the railway, connecting British history to Business Englisha and general conversation which is as relevant today as it ever was. 

Lesson Plans Curious Linguists RECOMMENDED FORB1B2C1

Railway Expressions (Free)

Balanced Teaching Business English Download and Go Screen Sharing

The railway has played a very important role in British history over the last 200 years or so. Naturally, therefore, it has also had an important influence on the language. From “go off track” to “full steam ahead”, you’ll discover a wealth of idioms related to the railway, connecting British history to Business Englisha and general conversation which is as relevant today as it ever was. 

Balanced Teaching Workshop

Numbers are easy, right? In fact, test your students from B1 to C1 and you might find they have more difficulties than you expect! You may find questions like, “Where do I put the ‘and’?” or “How do I say the date properly?” or “How do I say the year 1908?”


Numbers Workshop

Balanced Teaching Workshop

Numbers are easy, right? In fact, test your students from B1 to C1 and you might find they have more difficulties than you expect! You may find questions like, “Where do I put the ‘and’?” or “How do I say the date properly?” or “How do I say the year 1908?”

Balanced Teaching Download and Go Screen Sharing

In light of recent news—that we are now in the era of “global boiling”—it might be time to ask: How could you be more sustainable? This class focuses on tips for being more sustainable, with a language focus on expressions of willingness. What will be a “piece of cake” and what’s “out of the question”?


Be More Sustainable (Free)

Balanced Teaching Download and Go Screen Sharing

In light of recent news—that we are now in the era of “global boiling”—it might be time to ask: How could you be more sustainable? This class focuses on tips for being more sustainable, with a language focus on expressions of willingness. What will be a “piece of cake” and what’s “out of the question”?

Balanced Teaching Download and Go

We’ve made explaining phrasal verbs to your students a piece of cake. In Part 1 of this lesson, teach your students what phrasal verbs are, how they are formed, and some level-appopriate examples. By the end of this class, they will be able to use basic phrasal verbs in sentences.

Lesson Plans Basics RECOMMENDED FORA1A2

Introduction to Phrasal Verbs: Part 1 (Free)

Balanced Teaching Download and Go

We’ve made explaining phrasal verbs to your students a piece of cake. In Part 1 of this lesson, teach your students what phrasal verbs are, how they are formed, and some level-appopriate examples. By the end of this class, they will be able to use basic phrasal verbs in sentences.

Balanced Teaching Download and Go Screen Sharing

Can your students identify which pairs of words are homophones and which pairs of words are minimal pairs in this fun ESL pronunciation game? 

Lesson Plans Games & Brainteasers Pronunciation RECOMMENDED FORA2B1B2C1C2

Homophone or Minimal Pair? (Free)

Balanced Teaching Download and Go Screen Sharing

Can your students identify which pairs of words are homophones and which pairs of words are minimal pairs in this fun ESL pronunciation game? 

Alas! Only a small number of our hundreds of worksheets, lesson plans, and games are currently available. Stay tuned for more free content uploaded weekly.