Punctuality & Lateness (Free)

At a Glance
Exercise Summary

🕑 45-60 minutes
🎚    C1, C2
🎯 reading, idioms with ‘time’, speaking

🕑 0-5 minutes
– Print one worksheet for each student.
– Print the Teacher’s Insights or keep them at hand as they contain helpful notes for the exercises.

Introduction: Speaking intro

Reading: Skim the text and discuss as a group

Matching Headings: Match headings to paragraphs

Grammar Focus: Key word transformations exercise with ‘time’ idioms – complete the second sentence to have the same meaning as the first

Speaking: Talk about punctuality in different situations

Always short of time? Feel like you’re late time and time again? Today’s class looks at chronic lateness as well as expressions about time, with a special focus on exam English activities.
Detailed Description
The lesson begins with an introduction where students answer questions related to punctuality as a group. This serves as a warm-up and a way to engage students with the topic.
The reading activity follows, where students skim through a text about chronic lateness and discuss it as a group. Afterward, students match headings to each paragraph of the text to check comprehension.
The grammar focus activity requires students to identify expressions with ‘time’ and then practice key word transformations. Students will be given a sentence and a key word, and they need to rewrite the sentence using the given key word while maintaining the same meaning.
Lastly, the speaking activity requires students to answer a question for different scenarios about what time they would arrive. This activity helps students practice expressing themselves fluently and accurately while also applying the lesson’s topic.
There is an extra activity in the Teacher’s Insights which focuses on comparing situations, which is also relevant for activities carried out in many of the English examinations.



Printable Worksheet

Teacher Insights


Teacher's Insights


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