Hello & Goodbye (Free)

At a Glance
Exercise Summary

🕑 30-45 minutes

 🎚   A0, A1

🎯 hello and goodbye, vocabulary, conversation

🕑 0-5 minutes

– Print one worksheet for each student.

– You may want to print the Teacher’s Insights to have the answers at hand.

Kickoff: speaking introduction about greetings in students’ languages

Vocabulary I: learn different ways of saying “hello” and “goodbye” in English

True or False: check students’ understanding

Vocabulary II: identify the correct word for each greeting or farewell action in pictures

Speaking I: discuss cultural differences in greetings and farewells

Vocabulary Extension: practise polite expressions when meeting someone new

Speaking II: students practise greeting and saying goodbye to each other

Let’s teach our students to say hello and goodbye with this engaging ESL lesson plan for absolute beginners with printable worksheet.

Detailed Description
In today’s lesson, students will learn and practise vocabulary related to greetings and farewells through engaging activities and conversation.
The lesson begins with a kickoff conversation about saying “hello” in different languages, followed by a vocabulary exercise where students categorise words as either “hello” or “goodbye.”
Next, students will answer true or false questions to test their understanding of the vocabulary and expressions learned.The class will then participate in a visual activity to identify the correct word for various greeting or farewell actions using pictures.
After this, they will do a speaking activity to discuss cultural differences in greetings and farewells, followed by a vocabulary extension on polite expressions to use when meeting someone new. Lastly, students will practise greeting and saying goodbye to their classmates through a speaking activity.
This lesson plan is suitable for A0 beginners and A1 students. It can be adapted for online classes.
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Discomforts and Advice: Students learn vocabulary to express common discomforts, such as “I have a headache.” They then learn how to offer advice using modal verbs and other techniques.

Introduction to Phrasal Verbs: Students learn what phrasal verbs are and how they are formed. They then practise come of the most common examples.

Numbers 1-20 and Numbers Games: Students learn the numbers 1-20 and practise them playing a number of different games such as memory games, bingo, and more.



Printable Worksheet

Teacher Insights


Teacher's Insights


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