Handling Difficult Questions (Free)

At a Glance
Exercise Summary

🕑 60-90 minutes (see insights for shorter class time)

🎚    C1, B2

🎯 Strategies for handling difficult situations, speaking, reading, role-play

🕑 0-5 minutes

Print one worksheet for each student.

Print the Teacher’s Insights or keep them at hand as they contain the answers to the quiz.

If you have a shorter class time, you can ask students to do the Reading at home before or after the class.

Kickoff: questions about personal experiences

Reading: Learn about strategies for handling difficult questions

Odd One Out: Learn practical sentences for handling difficult questions; Identify misplaced sentences

Collocations: Match sentence fragments by identifying collocations from the previous exercise.

Controlled Practice: Ask and answer difficult questions using new language.

Role-Play: Practise handling difficult questions in three different scenarios.

Homework Activity: Practise responding to a difficult question in a written format.

Teach your students how to handle difficult questions effectively in professional settings with this ESL lesson plan for upper intermediate and advanced students. This lesson plan focuses on strategies for managing difficult situations, collocations, speaking, reading, and role-play activities.


Detailed Description
This class begins with a kickoff activity, where students answer questions about their personal experiences with difficult situations. The reading activity introduces strategies for handling difficult questions, and the Odd One Out exercise helps students learn practical sentences for managing these situations. Students see collocations which have appeared in the previous exercise. After this, they carry out a controlled practice activity where they must ask and answer difficult questions to each other. The lesson concludes with role-play activities where students practice handling difficult questions in various professional scenarios. Finally, students can be assigned a homework activity where they practice responding to a difficult question in a written format.


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Railway Expressions: Students learn Business English expressions such as “stay on track” and “full steam ahead” and how they connect to the development of the English language and the railway.

Business Phrasal Verbs: Students learn phrasal verbs used commonly in Business English with a fun and easy-to-follow presentation which can be used on a projector or for screen sharing in online classes.

Homophones vs Minimal Pairs: Students focus on pronunciation, and are challenged to decide whether certain pairs of words are the same (homophones) or slightly different (minimal pairs).



Printable Worksheet

Teacher Insights


Teacher's Insights


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