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Birds Aren't Real (Free)
Lesson Plans

What draws people to conspiracy theories? What brings conspiracy theorists together, and how do some…

You Can't Ask That! (Free)
Lesson Plans

When in social situations, be careful not to open a can of worms! This society-focused…

Handling Difficult Questions (Free)
Lesson Plans

Teach your students how to handle difficult questions effectively in professional settings with this ESL…

Expert Quiz on the US (Free)

How well do your students know the US? This fantastic ESL quiz on the US…

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New! Sort our ESL lesson plans and materials by complexity:


These lesson plans are simple and easy to teach, require little or no planning, and use basic activities such as conversation prompts, simple reading exercises, and picture-based matching.


These lesson plans have a balance between simplicity and depth. They may include a little planning, or some exercises the teacher will need to read in advance for the lesson to run smoothly, but no extensive planning.


These lesson plans are more in-depth, so may include pre-class material, or more comprehensive activities. They generally have mix a language point with a topic, and require some planning or prior knowledge from the teacher.
