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Language Root: wer
Lesson Plans

There's value in teaching a bit of etymology. Ever noticed a connection between words that…

Introduction to Phrasal Verbs: Part 2 (Free)
Lesson Plans

We've made explaining phrasal verbs to your students a piece of cake. In Part 2…

Formalities for Beginners (Free)
Lesson Plans

Today, let's teach one of the most fundamental parts of English: formalities. Students will learn…

Keep Out (Free)
Lesson Plans

Prohibited places can be pretty fascinating, don't you think? Today's worksheet talks about six intriguing…

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Lloyd Weston began his teaching career in Madrid, Spain, at the age of 18. He was the youngest person at his centre to achieve an outstanding grade on his course. His favourite anecdote is the strict instructions he received when starting to teach in-company: ‘Do not shave your beard, and do not let your students know your age!’ Fourteen years later, Lloyd has taught in three continents and online for students of all ages and nationalities, connecting with TEFL teachers globally and developing a vast array of English materials and resources along the way.
Today, these ESL materials and resources are available to you in the form of printable PDF worksheets, online presentations, Business English lesson plans, and ESP resources. New content is added weekly. Our goal is for www.eslhome.io to be your ‘ESL Home’, which is why you’ll find that all our material has been built with care and creativity for ESL, ESOL, ELT, and TEFL teachers worldwide. Happy teaching!